The Mystery of Life…by Melody Fox d(*_*)b (aka the Princess of Rock)

Peace in my loft... 2014.3.30Sun 033

The mystery of life…everything seems to be so perfect, everything exactly where it should be!

How?  Who?  Why?

God?  just one almighty?  or various Gods?  I’ve always wondered:   ever since I was a teenager…  I often look at the sky, what perfection!  I was just looking at the silhouette of the moon–and then I decided to write this–and it’s early afternoon. (will put out picture too)  What triggered its positioning?  a clockwork status, a time clock, or what?  Who gave instructions?  or does it just happen? 


This is amazing…and it happens every day, with natural synchronization…and it will continue to *happen* and be there until the end of time…  The moon, the stars, the planets, the whole immense galaxy…and mankind. 


Whereas, the situation for human beings is different, in a way, yet the same…  There’s a life span for each person:  everyone has a life that folds out in front of them, day by day.  Are we really the masters of our destinies?  When I was in my early teens, I got into thinking that God (or some Great Wizard or a scientific Entity of Light) had a huge book showing the beginning of each person (and the end too), often wondering if I would want to see or know how my life ended.  Would you?  would you want to know?  I don’t think so…  I personally came to the conclusion, a very long time ago, that NO, that would not be a good idea…Can you imagine?  We’d be too scared to live!  and some (or most) would be in total misery… 

Many scientists, experts, etc., think they have the answer…maybe, for some things, but certainly not on the circle of life.  It’s an infinite incognito…  Quite frankly, over the years, I’ve thought of death and how my life will end… Now that I’m older, I wonder even more, and am a little frightened on meeting with Death…we know not what’s on the other side, and if there is one, as a matter of fact.  I’m a little frightened, because I don’t want to be alone, and be immersed in darkness…More than just a *little frightened* actually…quite

Love Peace Music (until the end of time and…beyond)



About In Peace and Unity...

Quite an unusual *Alien* from outer space, in this universe of thinking (and non thinking) *human beans*...(;o)* I am a Journalist (expert in Rock, Pop, and Jazz), also Radio, plus a DJ Special Guest...(in clubs and/or radio) Feel free to contact me if you are looking for an unusual DJ/artist: Rock and Contaminations (plus Electronic/Elektro House/and other musicalities) also for sophisticated aperitifs/happy hour events. d(*_*)b Most of all, though, I am a...dreamer! ~May you walk in sunshine... ~Dance in the moonlight, under the stars... Love Peace Music (my motto) always and forever...(what is 4ever?) the Princess of Rock salutes U d(*_*)b (last updated 2017.11.19/Sun. a week after my beeday) Melody Fox d(*_*)b (aka the Princess of Rock and a Warrior of Light against all those who Fight) another nickname is: Blue Angel in Blue and/or Alien bug (coming from Syrius)
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1 Response to The Mystery of Life…by Melody Fox d(*_*)b (aka the Princess of Rock)

  1. Hi *TK*..thank you so much for *liking* my post…May you walk in sunshine (;o)* Love Peace Music


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